Marshal Royal: Jazz Survivor (Bayou Press) by Marshall Royal, Claire P. Gordon
Marshal Royal: Jazz Survivor (Bayou Press) by Marshall Royal, Claire P. Gordon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This autobiography of Marshall Royal describes how he was at the core of the Count Basie Orchestra for 20 years, during its resurgence in the 1950s and 1960s, and how, before that, he was a pioneer of jazz on the West Coast of the USA, playing with many bands in and around Los Angeles. A child prodigy, who played both violin and saxophone, Royal went on to work with many stars at Les Hite's Cotton Club, including Louis Armstrong and Fats Waller. He became a founder member and "straw boss" of Lionel Hampton's Orchestra after a wartime career in US Navy bands. Royal made countless recordings as a freelance, before joining Basie, where he was responsible for rehearsing the Orchestra. Three chapters offer an insider's view of the latter-day Basie band. After leaving Basie, as well as continuing his prolific recording career, Royal became internationally famous as a touring soloist. The book also contains an account of Royal's trumpeter brother Ernie.From reader reviews:
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