Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Celestial Love Song: a coloring book with romance, the sun, the moon, planets, and stars by Laura Medeiros

Celestial Love Song: a coloring book with romance, the sun, the moon, planets, and stars by Laura Medeiros

Celestial Love Song: a coloring book with romance, the sun, the moon, planets, and stars

Celestial Love Song: a coloring book with romance, the sun, the moon, planets, and stars by Laura Medeiros PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A celestial coloring book about a romance between the sun and the moon. Once upon a time, in a sky full of stars, the moon fell in love with the sun. A love story as old as time, told with 60 original drawings and patterns, taking inspiration form illuminated manuscripts, and the skies. Featuring stars, planets, the moon and the sun, drawings are presented full bleed, printed on one side, and with a number of solid black back ground images so that your coloring really stands out. Designed with the adult coloring hobby in mind, but suitable for all. adult coloring, coloring book, celestial, moon, sun, planets, love story, hearts, romance, valentine

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Celestial Love Song: a coloring book with romance, the sun, the moon, planets, and stars by Laura Medeiros EPub

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